黑道大佬心灰意冷欲退出江湖,奈何兄弟反目不得不拚死一戰!黑幫電影 HD
故事簡介: 古惑仔黑幫電影《鐵血江湖之誓不低頭 The Final Verdict》講述的一個古惑仔黑幫故事:陳廣勝和常青原本是兄弟,然而另一個兄弟小五的死卻讓他們成為敵人。陳廣勝原本計劃出獄後退出江湖,然而常青卻一步步緊逼,綁架和打傷陳廣勝之前的兄弟。廣勝不得不重出江湖,與曾經的兄弟常青面臨一場最後的決鬥……
Synopsis: The gangster movie “铁血江湖之誓不低头 The Final Verdict” is about a gangster story: Chen Guangsheng and Chang Qing were brothers. When their another brother died, they became enemies. Chen Guangsheng had planned to quit the gang. but Chang Qing kidnapped and hurted his brothers one by one.Cheng Guangsheng has to save his brothers and face the fianl fight against Chang Qing…
出品發行 Studio: 星潮影視 Xing Chao Film.
導演 Directed by: 劉白慶 Liu Baiqing.
主演 Starring: 海岩剛 Hai Yan Gang, 盧雲 Lu Yub, 陸藝馨 Lu Yixin.
題材 Genres: #movie #電影 #film #fullmovie #動作 #action #動作片 #動作電影 #actionmovies #actionfilm #黑幫 #gangster #古惑仔
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